• The Heritage of Family Resemblance

    A few days ago I was shopping with my mother in a local store. Mom had meandered to the grocery area and I was cruising the aisles, just browsing while she picked up what she needed. As I moved into an outer aisle, I saw a woman who glanced at me and smiled. I smiled back and continued on with my browsing until I got bored, then headed to see how Mom was faring with her shopping. Rounding the corner, I saw her talking to the lady I had seen. Even with Mom’s memory issues, she seemed to know this woman and was connecting with her, so I kept a polite smile on my face while they conversed. The lady finally turned her attention to me…

  • Life’s Complicated Steps

    In the back of the building where I work, there’s a fence row that divides the property of my employer and a homeowner residing on the other side. The fence top is layered in barbed wire and circular safety guards, much like you see in prison yards to keep prisoners from escaping. Throughout the length of the fence, limbs and branches of trees have entwined themselves in the spiked wires, creating one mess of tangled confusion. As I slid into my parking space this morning, I noticed a rather large squirrel begin his journey across the top of the fence. He maneuvered himself in and out, around and about the entanglement of tree branches and spikey barbed wire. I cringed for him…watching him was painful and I…

  • Finally, Spring!

    It feels a bit unreal that April is upon us. Seems like Christmas was just yesterday…and now we are entering the month that places us one-third of the way into this year already! I’m waking up to hear the birds singing and flowers blooming and I’m grateful the winter is behind us. If you are following the calendar series, here is April’s offering. Download your printable 4 x 6 calendar here and be reminded of the goodness of God in your life.

  • The Winter is Past

    Today, I got a much needed reminder of who I am in Jesus. It wasn’t easy to hear, because I have been through some tough things in my life and have always walked on the side of victory. Yet, struggles of the past four years have layered hurts on top of never fully healed wounds, and I have, little by little, yielded my authority as a child of God to places that I would never have imagined a few years ago. Where is that woman of God who buried her first husband and never lost faith? Where is the warrior who danced before the Lord with abandon, placing all trust and faith that HE would be all she needed? Where is the prophetic voice that arose from…