• Perception is Everything

    A few days ago I was stopped for a traffic light at a very busy intersection. I was the first in line, waiting to turn left, and as I waited not so patiently for the green light, I heard the driver behind me honking his horn. I glanced in the rear view mirror and he was gesturing in a manner that suggested that I should go. I was instantly aggravated…didn’t he see that the light was red?? What did he want me to do, run it and risk a ticket? I had not been paying close attention to the traffic rotation, but the light did seem to be taking a bit long to turn. However, I wasn’t about to budge. Finally, the green turn signal came.…

  • The Heritage of Family Resemblance

    A few days ago I was shopping with my mother in a local store. Mom had meandered to the grocery area and I was cruising the aisles, just browsing while she picked up what she needed. As I moved into an outer aisle, I saw a woman who glanced at me and smiled. I smiled back and continued on with my browsing until I got bored, then headed to see how Mom was faring with her shopping. Rounding the corner, I saw her talking to the lady I had seen. Even with Mom’s memory issues, she seemed to know this woman and was connecting with her, so I kept a polite smile on my face while they conversed. The lady finally turned her attention to me…